Digital Information


Winlink, also known as the Winlink 2000 Network, is a worldwide radio messaging system that mixes internet technology and appropriate amateur radio radio frequency (RF) technologies. The system provides radio interconnection services including: email with attachments, position reporting, graphic and text weather bulletins, emergency/disaster relief communications, and message relay. The system is built and administered by volunteers without pecuniary interests.


EchoLink is a computer-based Amateur Radio system distributed free of charge that allows radio amateurs to communicate with other amateur radio operators using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology on the Internet for at least part of the path between them. It was designed by Jonathan Taylor, a radio amateur with callsign K1RFD.

The system allows reliable worldwide connections to be made between radio amateurs, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio’s communications capabilities.

In essence it is the same as other VoIP applications (such as Skype), but with the unique addition of the ability to link to an amateur radio station’s transceiver. Thus any low-power handheld amateur radio transceiver which can contact a local Echolink node (A node is an active Echolink station with a transceiver attached) can then use the Internet connection of that station to send their transmission via VOIP to any other active Echolink node, world-wide. No special hardware or software is required to relay a transmission via an Echolink node.

Local Echolink Node:  W A 4 A E C – R     


The Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System (NBEMS – pronounced “N-beams” in the trade) is a suite of software programs designed for point-to-point, fast, error-free, emergency messaging up to or over 100 miles distant, and takes up a very minimum of space on the ham bands.  The system is designed primarily for use on the two-meter band, or on HF with NVIS antennas, where there is a minimum of fading (QSB) to slow down message transfers.  Two meters has the advantage that distances long enough to span disaster areas of up to 100 miles can be dependably done with small, portable antennas.  In hilly regions, if two meters is not workable over the distances required, NVIS antennas on HF can be employed instead.

Amateur Radio...
is a Hobby.

Emergency Communications...
is a Commitment.

Winter Field Day    1/24/2026

Summer Field Day 6/28/2025