Wilson County, NC AuxComm S&R / Silver Alert Missions

Missing Person Search:

  • Who’s in charge:
  • Any other active search being conducted at the moment.
  • Record the names and contact details of all volunteers prior to them embarking on the search. Children 18 and under should not participate, remembering you may find the missing person, no matter his or her condition.
  • Make small teams of 3-5 people per area and make sure they know not to touch anything that could be evidence. Take a photo of anything they think may be of significance.
  • Make a plan based on how many volunteers you have.
  • Have a map of the area and separate it into grids.
  • Appoint one person as the “Map Holder” and have them assign people to different areas of the grid.
  • Break into smaller groups of 4 or 5 people if possible and spread those groups in several places in the area.
  • Go slowly and look at your surroundings.
  • Walk along the area side by side, arm-length apart try and maintain the same pace as your team.
  • If you come across something suspicious tag/flag an area near it with a piece of bright-colored tape and call-in report.
  • Do not forget about trees, cliffs, ditches, etc.
  • Be mentally prepared and alert at all times.
  • If you are searching outside in the “wilderness area” beware of the wild plants, snakes and animals.
  • Have hand out flyers and give information to any of the people you come across.

Large Groups:

  • Again grid the map and appoint one person to control the searches via the map. Separate the groups into 10 people.
  • Again line up along the grid area and walk at arms-length, slowly, side by side.   Unless heavy wooded area.
  • Follow the same system as the small groups.

Foot Search Items recommended:

  • Walking sticks
  • Maps/Grid Charts
  • First Aid Kit
  • Boots Swamp Area
  • Long pants and long sleeve shirts
  • Something to cover the neck and chest and head.
  • Some form of protective eyewear
  • Brightly colored tape/flags
  • Phone, Ham Radio/FRS, etc.
  • Camera
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Whistles/Phone numbers.
  • Water and food/snacks
  • If possible, photo, of the missing person
  • Firearm in swamp or wilderness areas, if advised/permitted.

Amateur Radio...
is a Hobby.

Emergency Communications...
is a Commitment.

Winter Field Day    1/24/2026

Summer Field Day 6/28/2025