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Check-in to our Net every Wednesday @ 2000  444.900 + (179.9) 

Wilson Co. NC  Auxiliary Emergency Communications Team 

You must have an amateur radio license. 

No dues, By-laws, Elections or Monthly meetings

AUXCOMM is a public safety program created by the Department of Homeland Security to insure that there are adequate numbers of trained communicators available to assist Emergency Management when needed.
Large scale disasters involve the disruption of normal communications such as cellular, wireline telephone and internet.  Emergency managers stated they want a go-to pool of trained personnel they are familiar with and who understand how emergencies are handled and who have demonstrated the ability to work within the Incident Command System.  Homeland Security developed the
AUXCOMM program to provide Emergency Management with personnel capable of quickly placing in service alternate capabilities when normal communications are disrupted as well as being able to establish disaster communications in the field.

Keys to the usefulness of AUXCOMM to NC Emergency Management include the following:

  1. AUXCOMM has a standardized organizational structure that insures that communications personnel effectively operate within the Incident Command System in conjunction with other public safety agencies during emergencies.
  2. There are standardized operating practices that insure common terminology and practices across the United States.
  3. A formal nationwide training curriculum that is taught by qualified and credentialed instructors who offer a standardized 20 hour curriculum.
  4. A credentialing system that provides documentation of training, demonstration of skills and records of experience during exercises and actual emergencies.

On May 11, 2005, Governor Michael Easley proclaimed the National Incidence Management System as the standard for use by emergency agencies in North Carolina.  In 2010, State ARES® leadership was informed by NCEM that amateur radio would comply with ICS or be dropped from the North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan.  NC ARES® leadership made the decision to embrace the ICS training requirement and remain as a partner with NCEM despite ARRL HQ staff insisting that ARES® did not and would not involve a mandatory ICS training requirement.

In nearly fifteen years since the Governor’s proclamation, tens of thousands of North Carolina emergency responders have completed and have documented training in the Incident Management System.  Over 900 North Carolina amateur radio operators have completed and submitted documentation of the same ICS courses taken by fire, police and EMS personnel.

The bottom line is that North Carolina Emergency Management has incorporated AUXCOMM into its communications plans and activates AUXCOMM during each state-level standup of the State Emergency Response Team.  AUXCOMM is integrated into Emergency Support Function 2 along with other communications professionals including 911, cell and wireline companies and broadband providers.

Groups that do not embrace the ICS training will not likely be activated during a declared disaster.  Local ARES® volunteers without ICS training are typically limited to non-emergency roles.

The training requirements include completion of the following on-line courses (available at

ICS 100, ICS 200, ICS 700 and ICS 800

Amateur Radio...
is a Hobby.

Emergency Communications...
is a Commitment.

Winter Field Day    1/24/2026

Summer Field Day 6/28/2025